Envisioning Israeli-Palestinian Security
“Editor’s note: This September 2024 issue of Disarmament Times consists of a feature article by Israeli peace activist Sharon Dolev, responses from Brian D’Agostino and Kathy Kelly, and a reply to the respondents by Ms. Dolev. Author bios appear at the end of each text.”
A Comprehensive Approach to Israeli-Palestinian Peace
by Sharon Dolev
While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is marked by a bloody history and various attempts, both successful and unsuccessful, to change the situation, we must remain hopeful that a new path can be found…
Response to Sharon Dolev
by Brian D’Agostino
The feature article reconstructs the historical context of the current Israel-Palestine conflict and envisions a possible future based on the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative…
Response to Sharon Dolev
by Kathy Kelly
Following World War II, Albert Camus posed a “formidable gamble” to those who had survived a tragedy of immense proportions. “We’re in history up to our necks,” he observed…
Reply to Brian D’Agostino and Kathy Kelly
by Sharon Dolev’s
The feature article reconstructs the historical context of the current Israel-Palestine conflict and envisions a possible future based on the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative…